Intangible talents

I am a person of vast interests. I get obsessed with something new nearly every week. One of my major downfalls is that I lose interest just as easily. I’ve tried to pick up nearly every instrument and I always get very impatient and move on to the next thing. I know that this is a bad quality and I’m trying very hard to break it. I’ve been steadily practicing my instrument of choice and of course there are other talents that I still nurture and enjoy sharing with others. (ehm ehm… like writing and advice giving)

I’m here to say that just because you can’t dazzle people with a visible or auditory talent, doesn’t mean that you’re talentless. When people approach me and they ask me what I enjoy doing… the first thing that pops into my head is talking. I enjoy discussions. I enjoy conversation. I enjoy listening to the passions of others. Why is that not considered a talent? I can walk into any room and join into a conversation and leave having made friends with everyone there. Not everyone possesses the ability to be able to adapt to the room. Not everyone possesses the ability to be able to talk to anyone about any subject. Not everyone can be sociable. I feel like that in itself is some sort of talent. It brings me joy. It’s not just a talent for gab… it’s more than that. I feel like I can almost enter the minds of other people. I want to help them. I want to see the world through their eyes. I want to feel the emotions they are feeling at that given time and that’s made me into a very empathetic person. Empathy is the greatest gift a human can possess. The ability to truly understand and feel for a person is what makes you a good person. People who put themselves above others, those who ignore the feelings of others, or just simply cannot see or understand other people… are the type of people that I truly pity. They’re not fully living. They can’t fathom the greatest joys in life such as love and deep emotional connections. They can’t see beyond themselves.

I thank the universe everyday for my intangible talents because I want to be the type of person who is able touch people deeply. If I can find a career where I simply get to help people all day long then I know I will live a fulfilling life. My idea of a successful life is to be on my death bed surrounded by people who can say that I moved them in some sort of way. I want to leave an impression on every soul that I touch. I want to guide people. I feel like it’s part of my purpose on earth. My purpose is to help people figure things out.. to reach inside them and show them truth and compassion. That’s honestly all I want to do. I’m happy that I have the gifts that I have. Of course I wish I could play a kick-ass guitar solo or paint beautiful pictures, but I remind myself that I have special qualities too. You can see people’s potential in their eyes. You can see their soul. You can see a light. Don’t ever feel like you’re useless, untalented, or not living up to your potential!! There’s more to a person than meets the eye.

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